In my case, I would say I try to become the scientist of my
own experiences and reactions. I carefully study the times when and how the
truth which I have learnt surfaces in the form of practical day to day
I have been reading Dr. Wayne Dyer lately. A great man
indeed who produced some great pieces of work before he made his final transition
on August 29, 2015.
Dr. Dyer’s thoughts, most definitely have had a huge impact on me.
Whenever I read anything that makes me ponder about the higher truth of
existence, I immediately map it out on my own self and life, in an attempt to
comprehend the same.
There was a line in his book that said, the human ego convinces
us that being peaceful is not possible. It starts to tell us that peace
can be brought in by something external.
Clutched by the ego, we humans then start finding peace in external
things like material possessions, food, alcohol, drugs and relationships.
Before we know it, the relationship with these worldly pursuits becomes
What is the Human Ego?
The human ego, in other words, is that part of us that feels
everything negative – doubt, anger, resentment, anxiety, depression,
nervousness, jealousy, envy, possessiveness, arrogance, greed, immoral etc.
Ego is an illusion. It grows on fear and
is not real. As the Course in Miracles puts it, “Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists”.So, the ego tries to maintain its existence through us,
by feeding us with negativity.
The Problem
We all, at some point, have wondered or will wonder the following
Why a bad habit fights you back even harder, when you try to fight
Why do temptations distract you just when you’ve started working
on an important goal?
Why working on your dream project feels like the scariest thing
Why the idea of breaking the ice with a long upset loved one turns
you even more frigid?
Why is it so hard to accept a person’s success without having a
brush with envy?
Why your own success swells you up while someone else’s makes you
smolder within?
Why you keep your words of wisdom to yourself despite knowing how
much they would help someone? Just because you don’t hold your own self in high
That’s exactly what the ego does. It holds you back. From love and
faith making you believe in lack. It convinces you that there is not enough for everyone. And soon, you start doubting your natural, innate belief that God’s energy within you would show you the light at all times.
Whenever and wherever it sees potential for any positive
improvement or development within us or in the world, the ego gets pesky.
The higher truth
Ego and love cannot co-exist.
Love is the energy of the
Almighty Creator who created us. His energy runs within us every moment. He who
has created everything in perfection, can never make a mistake. Therefore, you’re not
a mistake. Any perceived flaws are nothing but His own unique creation. He gave
you those seeming flaws for a reason; to serve a larger good. Your
natural skills, talents and passions are His gifts to you, so that you could
serve the larger good through those gifts.
So, a physically challenged can teach people that greatness does
not rely on the physical body. By living his life lovingly and courageously, he
sets an example for those who wake up only to gripe about the many flaws in
their bodies.
My take
Ideas : Any idea you have, is simply His opportunity to you to
express your greatness. A person hitting the ground every morning to run,
is the result of an idea. The steps to keep the community clean, is the
result of an idea. Forming a new communication strategy for winning clients, is
the result of an idea. A book that becomes an international bestseller, is also
the result of an idea.
Mistakes : Every mistake you
make, is again His opportunity to you - for learning a valuable lesson, crucial
for you at that time or in the times to come. Touching a hot plate might burn
your hands. But after the wound heals, you will not only remember not to
touch a vessel when it’s hot but would also recognize when the
vessel has got hot.
Challenges : Similarly, an
appearing challenge is merely an opportunity for you to develop a particular virtue.
Naysaysers come into your life to strengthen your own belief in yourself and
your trust in the universe. Freeloaders enter your life to help you learn
assertiveness and the ability to say no. Difficult relationships teach you to
be more patient and tolerant; sometimes, even help you introspect and
understand what you want and don’t want in life.
My experiences with the Ego
So, has ego tried to take me into its clutches in past?
Oh yeah!
Has it tried to scare me from pursuing my highest good?
Most definitely.
Have I always understood that ego-based thoughts and feelings are
merely illusions?
Not at all.
Did I try to fight the ego in past?
Does it still bother me now?
Do I now understand the false ego chatter?
98 times out of 100.
Have I found a means to deal with it?
Do I now manage to win over the ego?
My success rate has improved considerably.
So, do I always manage to keep the ego at bay now?
It keeps coming to gnaw at you from time to time.
Does it mean I should give up?
Most definitely not. This is what life’s all about.
Treat the negative thoughts like an insect buzzing over your ears.
Ignore and blow them off instead of dwelling on them. Because giving power to the negativity within is what begins disempowering you.
Triumphing the ego is not an overnight journey
Winning over the ego is a gradual process and the struggle is likely to continue for most
part of your life. So, there's no point obsessing over how to win over the ego, every time you slip up.
Are you wondering why to even bother when there is no way out?
Well, because every time you emerge victorious in battling your
fears, anxieties and other negative thoughts and feelings, you add one more
brick to the milestone called life.
The ego chatter would remain with you throughout your life.
Because this is how you would grow. The key is to stop listening to
this chatter and believing that it is true.
Understanding the difference between love and fear and staying
centred in love at all times is our ultimate goal. Because, when you’re centred
in love only then can you spread love. The world cannot eat from your plate if
it’s empty, right?
The routes to reach this destination might vary – teaching,
healing, writing, singing, dancing, painting, mentoring, speaking, entertaining
and many others.
What’s important is you keep moving on this path
till you get there.
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